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Embracing local businesses fosters a thriving Avon economy, ensuring local jobs and revenue that enriches the community at large. When you choose to support local in Avon, Ohio, you're not just making a purchase, but investing back into your community. CityLocal Directory passionately bridges local businesses to their respective communities. If you're a business owner in Avon, let us elevate your online presence, drive more visitors to your site, or even craft a state-of-the-art website for you. Explore our Local Business Resource page to see how we can propel your business forward.

Black Key Coffee was founded in 2019 by Devon and Andrew Blakley in Avon, OH. Andrew, the roastmaster, has been a passionate coffee enthusiast for over a decade and found roasting coffee as a method of artistic therapy to help with his severe depression and anxiety. His passion for the science of coffee and his focus on buying ethically from farmers and minimizing environmental impact drove him to start Black Key Coffee.

Devon, born and raised in the Cleveland area, shares a deep passion for her hometown and wanted to start a small business that could support the community. She has always been active in volunteering and supporting local businesses. Together, Andrew's expertise in coffee roasting and Devon's dedication to Cleveland create the foundation of Black Key Coffee.

At Black Key Coffee, they believe that great coffee can make a difference. They are committed to supporting small family businesses, crafting well-made coffee with care, and conducting business in a way that benefits farmers, roasters, and customers. With their fresh roasted beans crafted with love, Black Key Coffee aims to provide an exceptional coffee experience while supporting their community.